Spoiler alert for those of you who were not at the amenity yesterday, everything has changed.
Bobby is no more and I am no longer the Sue I was. I've been through so much and now realize how wide-eyed and silly I'd been for so many years and how focusing on the little things got me through the day to day, but didn't prepare me for the future. I now know I need to look within for the comfort and joy I seek, and that I am more powerful than I ever knew. I will always love Bobby, but I will always love myself most of all.
I am proud to have been a member of the revolution and yes, even I, *hope* that this will be the start of a brand new day for all of us and will wave my little yellow flag until the day I die.
For Bobby, for ever.
Sunday, October 9, 2016
Saturday, October 8, 2016
I can't sleep.
Could be, who knows, but guys I really feel like something's coming, something good, if I can wait. Like really -- I feel like something big is about to happen to us.
And I have confidence in sunshine and I have confidence in me (which I know, is like crazy city and super hard to believe). But I don't know, I just have this sixth sense that if I go to the amenity tomorrow morning with my lip gloss in tow to take full advantage of those #glossibilities, it's going to be a day unlike any other and things are gonna change things forever.
Maybe it's the beginning for me and Bobby. Maybe he'll know that theres a world of love waiting to warm him. And somehow he'll know, and fly to my side and make me his own. Oh, Bobby, that's all I ask of you, cause I'd do anything for you. Here's to us. I mean really, who's like us? Damn few.
Or maybe it's something I could never have dreamed of -- a new beginning for Sue; a castle on a cloud where people who need people are the luckiest people in the world. Really, any dream will do.
Soupy Sue
I can't sleep.
Could be, who knows, but guys I really feel like something's coming, something good, if I can wait. Like really -- I feel like something big is about to happen to us.
And I have confidence in sunshine and I have confidence in me (which I know, is like crazy city and super hard to believe). But I don't know, I just have this sixth sense that if I go to the amenity tomorrow morning with my lip gloss in tow to take full advantage of those #glossibilities, it's going to be a day unlike any other and things are gonna change things forever.
Maybe it's the beginning for me and Bobby. Maybe he'll know that theres a world of love waiting to warm him. And somehow he'll know, and fly to my side and make me his own. Oh, Bobby, that's all I ask of you, cause I'd do anything for you. Here's to us. I mean really, who's like us? Damn few.
Or maybe it's something I could never have dreamed of -- a new beginning for Sue; a castle on a cloud where people who need people are the luckiest people in the world. Really, any dream will do.
Soupy Sue
I told you I was saving the best for last. Ready?!?!?
Here is a collage I made of Bobby Strong:
Here is a collage I made of Bobby Strong:
Isn't he so dreamy?!?!?!? I mean, not only is he, like, perfect to look at, but he's also super smart and super sweet and super strong and just, well, everything a person ought to be.
And, I mean, I've told you guys about how not everyone talks to me, or says hi back all the time. Well, Bobby's not like that. He will always wave back or say hello and sometimes he'll pat me on the shoulder or like, almost, give me a little hug. And when that happens you can bet I'm sooooo happy that baths are not a regular things, cause I can relish that touch for days on end...
I just really like him. Really, really. And I'll keep pursuing him until the day I die cause I know we were meant to be together. He's the one that makes it worth waking up each morning, and now that he's working at the amenity, it's one more reason to spend every waking moment there. #bobbyandsue4ever
There's no one else like Bobby. No one.
Sappy, Soupy Sue
Friday, October 7, 2016
There's also lots of other people who come to the amenity, like NotMa (the one who gave me that magic goop -- she's a native american or something and is super mysterious and kind of looks like Ma, but like, not really...you know?)
And then there's Bobby's Pa (I asked if I could take a photo of him for the blog and he shot me a look that said "Do I look like I want that?" So I repeated sorry 500 times and gave him a back massage.
And this is Hillary, which you know, I always thought was a girl name, but I double-checked and this Hillary is a boy. Most of the time, Hillary goes to amenity number 10, but he's so cool, sometimes he'll walk the extra 4 miles to "switch things up" and come to ours, which is always like, such an exciting day. He's way cool and usually hangs out with Becky and Robbie in the circle of fun when he comes, cause, well, duh. Anyway, he's awesome.
There are a couple other guys that normally go to amenity number 8 (which, like I can't imagine -- cause they say that as you get closer to 1, the amenities get worse and worse -- again, making Hillary super cool for coming down to a worse amenity. Like so cool.) Anyway, these guys come visit us too, this one has a lumberjack beard (but there are like no more trees, so I don't know what you need a lumberjack beard to do these days) and then there's this other guy who has this awesome poofy vest that I would totally steal if, you know, that weren't wrong and stuff. But I don't really know their names or anything about them. But I'll always say hi, cause that's polite.
And finally, well, it was during the midst of the hallucinations, but I captured it on film, which means it must be true, but I met this stranger one day and he said his name was Tiny Tom. But like, I just introduced you to Tiny Tom and that's not what Tiny Tom looks like, but he was dressed all the same. But that entire day, he was like the best friend I always wished I had and he would laugh at all my jokes and be like super nice to me and help protect me from the scary things. I haven't seen him since the #sicknessstrightfromsatan, but I wish Tiny Tom v2.0 could be around along with Tiny Tom v1.0. I love them both. But probably v2.0 is a figment of my imagination. But there's photographic evidence, which just makes me go, "Whaaaaaaa?" So, crazy, right?
Anyway that's most everyone, but hang on tight guys...cause tomorrow, I'm gonna introduce you to the best one of all -- the one and only Bobby Strong. Get excited. Cause he is oh so perfect.
Thursday, October 6, 2016
Today I would like to introduce you to Hot Blades Harry, Tiny Tom and Bobby's Ma.
This is Hot Blades Harry and he terrifies me. I think he used to be a wrestler or a figure skater or something. He's one of those people that finds objects around the junkyard and lifts them for fun. He's very intense and somehow doesn't need to come to the amenity every day. (Maybe he has a workout for that, too.) I took this photo of him before asking and I thought he was gonna kill me. I run real fast though, so don't worry - I'm okay. I may need to lay low for a couple days though. Ugh. If only I knew his bladder workout.
This is Tiny Tom. He's always got the best hairdos and is really funny. Like really, really funny. Sometimes he gets me into giggle fits (which is the worst, cause I do not look cute when I start laughing that hard #stoptheuglysoupy.) Most of the time, he's pretty nice to me, but sometimes he gets even more upset about things that I do. But he never cries. (Unlike some people...#reallythoughstoptheuglysoupy.) Anyway, he's real good people and makes me happy.
And finally, this is Bobby's Ma. She's really wonderful and sweet and where Bobby gets most of his wonderfulness from. Obviously, I want her to think the best of me, so I'm always very nice to her, but it's so easy cause she's like superwoman. Also, everyone knows you don't mess with Ma. Rumor has it that during the stink years, she took over the grocery store single-handedly and held it off for two years. So she's got some crazy intensity hidden under her niceness. You're the best, Ma!
Yay! More tomorrow!
Wednesday, October 5, 2016
Hi Guys! I promised and here I am delivering! Today I'd like to introduce you to Sally, Becky and Robbie.
This is Little Sally. She's still just a little girl, and doesn't let anyone else every play with her stuffed bunny, Edward, but she's really nice all the same. She's really good at stepping up and saying the things she thinks, which, as you know, is number one on my #SoupyGoalList. Also, she totally agrees with me that Bobby is like the most amazing person ever, but she's like waaaaay too young for him, so it's the perfect thing cause we can geek out together about him, but like, there's no competition (#winning). Also, she gives the best hugs and is probably my closest friend, which you might be like, "Really, you're closest friend is a little girl..." But she's like super awesome, so don't judge until you've met her.
This is Little Becky Two Shoes. I don't really know where her nickname came from, cause she's just so cool and I don't want to be uncool by asking, you know, so I just call her "Two Shoes" like everyone else (but you know, most of us have two shoes, so it doesn't really make a lot of sense now that I think about it). But anyway, she is like sooooo cool. And a little scary. But you know, that just somehow makes her even cooler. I keep trying to break the ice with her to get an invitation into the circle of fun...but sometimes she'll shoot me this look when I try to talk with her, and it'll freeze me up for a couple of minutes. Like, literally. I won't be able to move for two minutes. So, I need to work on that, cause I'm pretty sure that doesn't make her think very highly of me.
This is Robbie. He is all kinds of fabulous, #astarfishfortheages and is ALWAYS in the circle of fun. He doesn't say a lot usually, but whenever he does, it's to say the most funny, most truthful of all truths, so he gets mad respect around here from everyone. But really, he is everything. You might remember that he's the one I bring daily gifts to out of respect for having knocked him over at the amenity that one day, so now when I say hi to him, he'll sometimes even say hi back. I mean, not all the time, but like, at least twice, he's said hi back. So I'm pretty sure that makes us best friends now! (I love friends!!!!)
So anyway that's Sally, Becky and Robbie. I'll introduce you to more people tomorrow, but for the moment, it's back to the urinal for Sue.
Soupy Sue
Tuesday, October 4, 2016
Sorry it's been so long, everyone. It was touch and go for a while there with this #phlemysicknessfromhell. I almost didn't make it to the amenity last weekend (but don't worry Officer Lockstock, if you're one of my readers -- and "Hi!!!!," if you are -- cause I rallied and crawled my way there, cause I am NOT risking getting Urinetown. *pleasepleasepleaseneverevertakemetoUrinetownkthanksbyyyyye*)
So anyway, I'm on the mend finally, but I have to tell you...I might have been hallucinating or something, but this man all in dark clothing emerged from behind the bridge one day (but not like dirty dark clothing, it was like how the rich have all their colors, except this color was just pure darkness) and handed me a cup of something he called "vocal potion." And so, well, I'm pretty sure he was a witch. And normally, you know, I wouldn't drink something from someone I don't know, cause #strangerdangerduh, and especially I wouldn't drink something from someone who might be a witch, but maybe he put a spell on me, because next thing I knew, I was drinking it.
And guys, I think the "vocal potion" from the man in black plus NotMa's goop helped me finally kick this thing.
So....Sue's back!!! And you'll be seeing lots more of my around the amenity again. I bet you all missed me and let me tell you I missed you more than you'll ever know. Like really really. I love you guys. Like, so much.
I'll start introducing the poor tomorrow! Promise.
Sorry it's been so long, everyone. It was touch and go for a while there with this #phlemysicknessfromhell. I almost didn't make it to the amenity last weekend (but don't worry Officer Lockstock, if you're one of my readers -- and "Hi!!!!," if you are -- cause I rallied and crawled my way there, cause I am NOT risking getting Urinetown. *pleasepleasepleaseneverevertakemetoUrinetownkthanksbyyyyye*)
So anyway, I'm on the mend finally, but I have to tell you...I might have been hallucinating or something, but this man all in dark clothing emerged from behind the bridge one day (but not like dirty dark clothing, it was like how the rich have all their colors, except this color was just pure darkness) and handed me a cup of something he called "vocal potion." And so, well, I'm pretty sure he was a witch. And normally, you know, I wouldn't drink something from someone I don't know, cause #strangerdangerduh, and especially I wouldn't drink something from someone who might be a witch, but maybe he put a spell on me, because next thing I knew, I was drinking it.
And guys, I think the "vocal potion" from the man in black plus NotMa's goop helped me finally kick this thing.
So....Sue's back!!! And you'll be seeing lots more of my around the amenity again. I bet you all missed me and let me tell you I missed you more than you'll ever know. Like really really. I love you guys. Like, so much.
I'll start introducing the poor tomorrow! Promise.
Saturday, September 24, 2016
So it occurs to me that some of my readership lies outside the boundaries of amenity 9, so you might not know everyone I've mentioned on the blog here. Well wonder no more. Over the next few days, I'm going to introduce you to all of my friends!
Till then, kisses, love and some of NotMa's magical goop.
Soupy Sue
Till then, kisses, love and some of NotMa's magical goop.
Soupy Sue
Friday, September 23, 2016
Apparently NotMa (who you might have seen once a week at the amenity -- #bladderofsteel) is a fan of the blog and gave me some magical goop to make me more better. Let's hope it works!
Thursday, September 22, 2016
Guys -
Sue is sick. Please send flowers and love. Hopefully I'll be back on my feet again tomorrow. Feeling ultra soupy at the moment.
Sue is sick. Please send flowers and love. Hopefully I'll be back on my feet again tomorrow. Feeling ultra soupy at the moment.
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
Things I love:
- Rainbows and/or sunshine
- Twinkies (my secret stash will never go bad!)
- That perfectly soft spot on the ground just outside the amenity
- Flowers - especially the kind that smell really good
- Friends (shy and loud alike!)
- Pigtails
- My fabulous new lipgloss!
- Finding a coin
- Snow angels (I know it's not cold yet and UGC tries to collect it right away when it does snow, but there's nothing better than going out and making them right as it first starts to snow...)
- My new home (it's coming along so nicely. Let me know if you wanna come by and see it!)
- Happiness
- Bobby
If you're having a low day...maybe thinking of one of those things will help cheer you up! And of course, you were all covered in the list above!!! Cause i <3 u!!!
Soupy Sue
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
Happy Suesday!
Sometimes you just wake up on the Sue side of the bed and you feel like frolicking through the wilderness and yelling and singing at the top of your voice! I'm just feeling so Sue-tastic and I hope you're in the same boat cause it's the perfect day for sailing!
Love you all Suuuuuuue much!
Sometimes you just wake up on the Sue side of the bed and you feel like frolicking through the wilderness and yelling and singing at the top of your voice! I'm just feeling so Sue-tastic and I hope you're in the same boat cause it's the perfect day for sailing!
Love you all Suuuuuuue much!
Monday, September 19, 2016
The package was a complete success!!! And Robby said he'd think about being my friend if I brought him presents every day...so you can bet I'm gonna add Robby gift getting to my daily to dos :) :) :) Wheeeeeeeeee!
So, obviously I was very busy and not quite myself the last couple of days, but I realize some of you might not have known the Soupy Sue from the early days of the drought and I kind of just assumed everyone did. So, that was real silly of me, but will be amended now:
I used to work at So-and-So's Diner! I was a waitress there and loved it to pieces. And you might be like: "Really? You loved your job. I don't believe you." But I did -- everything from getting to know all about everyone who came in, to seeing people's transformation after their 1st cup of coffee (OMG do you remember coffee?!?!?!?!?!?!!?), to refilling the ketchup bottles and salt shakers to the perfect level, to the big family meal at the end of the shift where no one talked but the food was so very satisfying...oooh, it was everything.
And you might not even know that that's where I got my Soupy nickname!
One day I was carrying a bowl of split pea soup, when I slipped and somehow got split pea over every ounce of myself. And my bright yellow uniform turned that very particular shade of green. Now this was just after Urine Good Company started to crack down on water usage, and we were only allowed to wash our clothes once a month (gosh, can you imagine that now?!), and anyway, I had JUUUUUUST washed my uniform two days before, so it meant I had pretty much a whole month in my soup-covered uniform, which back then was like forever (again, crazy in retrospect). Now, at first, I was kind of embarrassed about the whole thing -- cause you know, I was literally wearing my failure, and everyone at the diner started calling me Soupy Sue, you know, with some sort of venom in their voices, but then one day, something shifted. And then UGC pushed back the wash-age rules to be once every year and so everyone was kind of in similar boats with what they were wearing, and then the name just kind of turned into a sweet hello, and then it was just regular and part of me, and then I was introducing myself as Soupy Sue.
Then came the day they announced the closure of all non-essential businesses.
I'll never forget it, cause it was my 5th anniversary of work at So-and-So Diner, and that morning, before we opened, So-and-So gave me my annual pickle out of the big jar, and it was as I was taking my first bite that Mr. McQueen entered to give us the news that the doors of So-and-So's would be closing for good. That was the day of my first public cry. I'll never forget the taste of that tear-covered pickle. Ever. It was so salty.
So-and-So isn't with us anymore. Just last week, he was at the amenity, and then he wasn't. Rumor has it they took him to Urinetown in the middle of the night. I wish I'd been able to tell him how much he meant to me before they took him away and I hope he's okay. I miss him so much.
Anyway, I didn't mean to get all sappy again, but I guess that's part of who I am, so I shouldn't try to keep it off the blog, should I?
#reallyrealrealness for you
from Soupy Sue
So, obviously I was very busy and not quite myself the last couple of days, but I realize some of you might not have known the Soupy Sue from the early days of the drought and I kind of just assumed everyone did. So, that was real silly of me, but will be amended now:
I used to work at So-and-So's Diner! I was a waitress there and loved it to pieces. And you might be like: "Really? You loved your job. I don't believe you." But I did -- everything from getting to know all about everyone who came in, to seeing people's transformation after their 1st cup of coffee (OMG do you remember coffee?!?!?!?!?!?!!?), to refilling the ketchup bottles and salt shakers to the perfect level, to the big family meal at the end of the shift where no one talked but the food was so very satisfying...oooh, it was everything.
And you might not even know that that's where I got my Soupy nickname!
One day I was carrying a bowl of split pea soup, when I slipped and somehow got split pea over every ounce of myself. And my bright yellow uniform turned that very particular shade of green. Now this was just after Urine Good Company started to crack down on water usage, and we were only allowed to wash our clothes once a month (gosh, can you imagine that now?!), and anyway, I had JUUUUUUST washed my uniform two days before, so it meant I had pretty much a whole month in my soup-covered uniform, which back then was like forever (again, crazy in retrospect). Now, at first, I was kind of embarrassed about the whole thing -- cause you know, I was literally wearing my failure, and everyone at the diner started calling me Soupy Sue, you know, with some sort of venom in their voices, but then one day, something shifted. And then UGC pushed back the wash-age rules to be once every year and so everyone was kind of in similar boats with what they were wearing, and then the name just kind of turned into a sweet hello, and then it was just regular and part of me, and then I was introducing myself as Soupy Sue.
Then came the day they announced the closure of all non-essential businesses.
I'll never forget it, cause it was my 5th anniversary of work at So-and-So Diner, and that morning, before we opened, So-and-So gave me my annual pickle out of the big jar, and it was as I was taking my first bite that Mr. McQueen entered to give us the news that the doors of So-and-So's would be closing for good. That was the day of my first public cry. I'll never forget the taste of that tear-covered pickle. Ever. It was so salty.
So-and-So isn't with us anymore. Just last week, he was at the amenity, and then he wasn't. Rumor has it they took him to Urinetown in the middle of the night. I wish I'd been able to tell him how much he meant to me before they took him away and I hope he's okay. I miss him so much.
Anyway, I didn't mean to get all sappy again, but I guess that's part of who I am, so I shouldn't try to keep it off the blog, should I?
#reallyrealrealness for you
from Soupy Sue
Sunday, September 18, 2016
So - I figured out how to say sorry guys.
A care package. Cause nothing says "sorry, I care so much" like it!!!!
I went to the fancy part of town and went to Dumpstertown, the store at 14th and Pee and found an amazing starfish paperweight and a CD with some lady singing that made me think of him and says something about experiencing the diva (#robbysmydiva) and then I snuck into So-and-So's Diner (the one where I used to work!) and made some cookies for him (oatmeal scotchies -- cause they're like breakfast and dessert in one!!) and then I made him a sorry note using the very best sorry clip art I could find.
Here's the full gift:
What do you think???? Think it'll help him forgive me?
Pllllllllleease Robby!!!
A care package. Cause nothing says "sorry, I care so much" like it!!!!
I went to the fancy part of town and went to Dumpstertown, the store at 14th and Pee and found an amazing starfish paperweight and a CD with some lady singing that made me think of him and says something about experiencing the diva (#robbysmydiva) and then I snuck into So-and-So's Diner (the one where I used to work!) and made some cookies for him (oatmeal scotchies -- cause they're like breakfast and dessert in one!!) and then I made him a sorry note using the very best sorry clip art I could find.
Here's the full gift:
What do you think???? Think it'll help him forgive me?
Pllllllllleease Robby!!!
Saturday, September 17, 2016
I snuck back to the amenity cause the guilt was making me a crazeball and saw that Robby was standing, so phew, #starfishup. I didn't have the nerve to say anything, cause how on earth do you apologize for something like that?! So, now I'm back hiding in my home again and trying to get my stupid brain to let me be a person again.
I snuck back to the amenity cause the guilt was making me a crazeball and saw that Robby was standing, so phew, #starfishup. I didn't have the nerve to say anything, cause how on earth do you apologize for something like that?! So, now I'm back hiding in my home again and trying to get my stupid brain to let me be a person again.
Guys -
I am mortified.
Today I was rushing cause I really did have to pee bad, and when I was trying to jostle for a spot in line, I knocked into Robby and he fell and 100% starfished out on the ground, hard. And he was just staring up at me, but, like, not with his thinking eyes, you know.
And...I so am ashamed to say it...but I just ran away. Like, as fast as I could.
And now I'm hiding out in my new home and omg I'm so happy I don't have those stars up anymore cause I think they'd just make me think of his starfishiness now.
Robby, if you read this I'm so sorry. And if anyone at the amenity sees this, can you tell me...is he okay? Guys, I hope he's okay.
This is why you limit your water intake; so you don't possibly kill your potential future best friend.
Sloppy Sue
I am mortified.
Today I was rushing cause I really did have to pee bad, and when I was trying to jostle for a spot in line, I knocked into Robby and he fell and 100% starfished out on the ground, hard. And he was just staring up at me, but, like, not with his thinking eyes, you know.
And...I so am ashamed to say it...but I just ran away. Like, as fast as I could.
And now I'm hiding out in my new home and omg I'm so happy I don't have those stars up anymore cause I think they'd just make me think of his starfishiness now.
Robby, if you read this I'm so sorry. And if anyone at the amenity sees this, can you tell me...is he okay? Guys, I hope he's okay.
This is why you limit your water intake; so you don't possibly kill your potential future best friend.
Sloppy Sue
Friday, September 16, 2016
Eeeee! Look I'm v-logging! #soupytasticandtrendyashell
I dunno if you can really see him in the video, but omg he's just so cute!!!! Fer serious.
Soupilly Yours,
Thursday, September 15, 2016
So I got a little sad when no one responded to my roll call...and I've been feeling like maybe no ones actually even reading my blog, because I've never got any comments on anything, but then I had a thought -- What if all of my readers are just shy? What if I'm the one bringing butterflies of joy and hearts of squee-ness into their lives? What if during my past couple of days of silence they slipped into a vortex of sadness because they couldn't read my words here? And these words here. And this one. Here. Who am I to deny them my voice and how could I possibly have ever thought to keep that from them?!?
So, I'm back, stronger than ever and I'm so sorry I went away! I promise I'll never ever leave you again. You are all the most wonderful people in the world and I'm so happy to have you here with me, even in your silence. You've given me a new reason to live and gosh-darnit, I'm gonna do my dandiest to do the same for you.
So, Soupy powers activate to help us all #winthegameoflife!
Soupy Sue
So, I'm back, stronger than ever and I'm so sorry I went away! I promise I'll never ever leave you again. You are all the most wonderful people in the world and I'm so happy to have you here with me, even in your silence. You've given me a new reason to live and gosh-darnit, I'm gonna do my dandiest to do the same for you.
So, Soupy powers activate to help us all #winthegameoflife!
Soupy Sue
Monday, September 12, 2016
Roll call.
Is anyone out there reading this?
Comment below if you are!!!!
I love you guys soooooooo much!!!!
Your bestie,
Roll call.
Is anyone out there reading this?
Comment below if you are!!!!
I love you guys soooooooo much!!!!
Your bestie,
Sunday, September 11, 2016
Well the mystery of the missing home continues to go unsolved, but the crisis has been averted as I found a new box and am in the process of re-decorating my home now. I think this time I'm gonna draw ferns inside instead of flowers, so it'll be like a jungle!!! And I might be a little pickier about the smells of the soft stuff in my bed this time, cause I think I may have accidentally added a dead animal last time...anywho, that's what my day is gonna be today!
But before I get to that, I want to #berealreal for a second here on the blog here. I have a confession: sometimes I go to the amenity and wait in line even though I don't have to pee, and then I'll get to the front of the line and pretend like I don't have enough money (even though I actually do have enough money), and then I just go back to the back of the line and pretend to count my money and smile at Bobby (and use my lip gloss liberally) and talk to everyone about their lives and continue to repeat this process until the amenity closes and/or I actually do need to pee. So that's why it might seem like all I do is hang out at the amenity...cause I kind of do. And don't get me wrong, sometimes I do have to pee a lot, but...well...most of the time I just want to hang out!
(OMG OMG OMG I can't believe I shared that. I mean, I'm still not sure if anyone actually reads this thing, but just putting it out there into the world is like the best thing ever.)
I hope with me having to spend so much time rebuilding my home now people won't forget about me. Gotta get this house built fast! Don't worry everyone, I'll be back at the amenity again soon and I miss you dearly already!!!
Yours always and forever,
Soupy Sue
But before I get to that, I want to #berealreal for a second here on the blog here. I have a confession: sometimes I go to the amenity and wait in line even though I don't have to pee, and then I'll get to the front of the line and pretend like I don't have enough money (even though I actually do have enough money), and then I just go back to the back of the line and pretend to count my money and smile at Bobby (and use my lip gloss liberally) and talk to everyone about their lives and continue to repeat this process until the amenity closes and/or I actually do need to pee. So that's why it might seem like all I do is hang out at the amenity...cause I kind of do. And don't get me wrong, sometimes I do have to pee a lot, but...well...most of the time I just want to hang out!
(OMG OMG OMG I can't believe I shared that. I mean, I'm still not sure if anyone actually reads this thing, but just putting it out there into the world is like the best thing ever.)
I hope with me having to spend so much time rebuilding my home now people won't forget about me. Gotta get this house built fast! Don't worry everyone, I'll be back at the amenity again soon and I miss you dearly already!!!
Yours always and forever,
Soupy Sue
Saturday, September 10, 2016
Hey guys....has anyone seen my home? Slash can I crash with you tonight?
I just got back and I think either Pee-onie didn't like my home or someone is a fan of this blog and also of my home that was....
Anywho --- hit me up if you've got space to spare!
I just got back and I think either Pee-onie didn't like my home or someone is a fan of this blog and also of my home that was....
Anywho --- hit me up if you've got space to spare!
Friday, September 9, 2016
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! I made a new friend today! She's the sweetest, kindest, most wonderfullest and I can't wait for you to meet her.
Here's a picture of her:

Isn't she adorable!?!?!?!? I think she's either a beefy cat or a cuddly raccoon, but I'm not quite sure. All I know is I love her.
I've decided to name her Pee-onie after the flower and my favorite activity, peeing (#causeurinationisthebomb) and I've invited her into my home.
I've gotta run, but I'll log back on later with more.
Soupy Sue
Here's a picture of her:

Isn't she adorable!?!?!?!? I think she's either a beefy cat or a cuddly raccoon, but I'm not quite sure. All I know is I love her.
I've decided to name her Pee-onie after the flower and my favorite activity, peeing (#causeurinationisthebomb) and I've invited her into my home.
I've gotta run, but I'll log back on later with more.
Soupy Sue
Thursday, September 8, 2016
Hey guys.
Wow. I just reread yesterday's entry and miiiiiiiiiiiight have over-reacted a little bit, cause I finally couldn't hold it anymore and went to the amenity....and it was like the water works never even happened. Like, at all. Everyone was 100% just like they'd been pre-cryfest. I even asked Little Sally about it and she was like, "What happened?" So, yeah. Life is way good again and it turns out it was nbd, so I skipped all the way home.
OMG - I haven't even told you about my home. I haven't had much in the way of company, well, ever, but let me tell you --- it is CUUUUUUUTE. Now at first you might just look at it and be like -- she's living in a box. But but but but but....I've made it into a wonderland of all of the things that give me joy. So there are flowers growing everywhere. I mean, everywhere. They're drawn with marker and they don't really smell unless I rub something on them, but if you close your eyes really hard and hold your breath until you almost pass out, sometimes it's almost like smelling a flower again. Like super close. And I've made the whole floor of my home into a bed -- cause bed's the best place to be, ever, amirite?! So I've been collecting all of the softest things I can find from everywhere and stuffing it into the floor of my home, so it's like the most squishy happiness ever. But my favoritest of all favorite parts is that even through the stink years, my mommy held onto the thing that was her most favoritest thing from when she was a kid so she could give it to me and when she was passing on, she handed it down to me. And, ugh, I'm like tearing up just thinking about it (but in a cute way this time), cause it was the most wonderfullest of all things -- ready? They are these tiny little stars with little stick-ems on the back. So the roof of my home is covered in these perfect little stars. So even though I'm inside, I have all these incredible little lights of love above me, while I'm spread out on the most comfortable stuff in our town and surrounded by growing flowers on every side...it's just...well, whatever the opposite of Urinetown is. Nwoteniru. Yep. It's Nwoteniru. So every night when I go to bed, all of these things around me tell me it's all gonna be okay and I fall asleep with a smile on my face.
Woof. That got a little sappy there. Sorry y'all. This blogging thing is hard.
But..........I added a super cute selfie of me to the side. Did you see!? #soupieforthewin
Anyway, that's all for now!!! See you again tomorrow :)
Wow. I just reread yesterday's entry and miiiiiiiiiiiight have over-reacted a little bit, cause I finally couldn't hold it anymore and went to the amenity....and it was like the water works never even happened. Like, at all. Everyone was 100% just like they'd been pre-cryfest. I even asked Little Sally about it and she was like, "What happened?" So, yeah. Life is way good again and it turns out it was nbd, so I skipped all the way home.
OMG - I haven't even told you about my home. I haven't had much in the way of company, well, ever, but let me tell you --- it is CUUUUUUUTE. Now at first you might just look at it and be like -- she's living in a box. But but but but but....I've made it into a wonderland of all of the things that give me joy. So there are flowers growing everywhere. I mean, everywhere. They're drawn with marker and they don't really smell unless I rub something on them, but if you close your eyes really hard and hold your breath until you almost pass out, sometimes it's almost like smelling a flower again. Like super close. And I've made the whole floor of my home into a bed -- cause bed's the best place to be, ever, amirite?! So I've been collecting all of the softest things I can find from everywhere and stuffing it into the floor of my home, so it's like the most squishy happiness ever. But my favoritest of all favorite parts is that even through the stink years, my mommy held onto the thing that was her most favoritest thing from when she was a kid so she could give it to me and when she was passing on, she handed it down to me. And, ugh, I'm like tearing up just thinking about it (but in a cute way this time), cause it was the most wonderfullest of all things -- ready? They are these tiny little stars with little stick-ems on the back. So the roof of my home is covered in these perfect little stars. So even though I'm inside, I have all these incredible little lights of love above me, while I'm spread out on the most comfortable stuff in our town and surrounded by growing flowers on every side...it's just...well, whatever the opposite of Urinetown is. Nwoteniru. Yep. It's Nwoteniru. So every night when I go to bed, all of these things around me tell me it's all gonna be okay and I fall asleep with a smile on my face.
Woof. That got a little sappy there. Sorry y'all. This blogging thing is hard.
But..........I added a super cute selfie of me to the side. Did you see!? #soupieforthewin
Anyway, that's all for now!!! See you again tomorrow :)
Wednesday, September 7, 2016
Guys, I wanted so much to keep this blog #purelypositive, but it was really not such a good day today.
I tried out #missionlipglosswillstealhisheart and everything was going great, until I had the Soupiest of Sue moments. Tiny Tom was making another one of his hilarious jokes and I couldnt stop laughing, and then I was cry laughing and then suddenly just crying. And it's not cute when you're making waterworks where the water works. Anyway...as fab as my lips looked, post-laugh-cry-crying, my eyes looked swampy savage and not in a cute way.
And worst of all, Bobby saw!!! Even Ms Pennywise shot me a 'you okay?' look. Ms Pennywise?!?
So my life is over and now I'm just trying to hold my pee for as long as I can so I don't have to face everyone again. For the first time ever I'm wondering if Urinetown might be better than here.
Stupid Sue
I tried out #missionlipglosswillstealhisheart and everything was going great, until I had the Soupiest of Sue moments. Tiny Tom was making another one of his hilarious jokes and I couldnt stop laughing, and then I was cry laughing and then suddenly just crying. And it's not cute when you're making waterworks where the water works. Anyway...as fab as my lips looked, post-laugh-cry-crying, my eyes looked swampy savage and not in a cute way.
And worst of all, Bobby saw!!! Even Ms Pennywise shot me a 'you okay?' look. Ms Pennywise?!?
So my life is over and now I'm just trying to hold my pee for as long as I can so I don't have to face everyone again. For the first time ever I'm wondering if Urinetown might be better than here.
Stupid Sue
Tuesday, September 6, 2016
Wow! What a day! Not sure if anyone's out there listening, but if you are.....hellooooooo!!!
Bobby told me he doesn't feel right actually following my blog because he doesn't want to show any favoritism to any of the poor who frequent the urinal. Isn't he the kindest, most wonderful-est of all? I mean, really, he is just everything.
And guess what?! I found an almost full tube of lip gloss near a dumpster yesterday, but not inside it, you know, cause yuck, but OMG it is amazing. It makes my lips all shiny and pretty, so when I looked at my reflection in the toilet bowl it was like, wow. I mean, really. I've never really liked how I look (and this isn't me reaching for a compliment, I'm just being real, because that's how you're supposed to be in these blogs #speakingallthetruths), but when I put it on, I feel like a pouty goddess or a glamorous cartoon or something. I mean --- squeeeee!
I'm gonna try putting some on tomorrow and maybe I'll get you-know-who's attention (hint - his name starts with a B and ends with an obby...). Maybe Becky Two Shoes and Robby the Stockfish will even let me cross the line in the dirt to join their circle of fun tomorrow....omg you guys, I'm just so excited about the #gloss-ibilities!
Anyway.........that's all for now. I've gotta do a late night #1.
I'm gonna save the debut of the lip gloss till tomorrow, when there's more light so I can take full advantage :) :) :)
Until then - sunshine and rainbows to all.
So much love,
Soupy Sue
Bobby told me he doesn't feel right actually following my blog because he doesn't want to show any favoritism to any of the poor who frequent the urinal. Isn't he the kindest, most wonderful-est of all? I mean, really, he is just everything.
And guess what?! I found an almost full tube of lip gloss near a dumpster yesterday, but not inside it, you know, cause yuck, but OMG it is amazing. It makes my lips all shiny and pretty, so when I looked at my reflection in the toilet bowl it was like, wow. I mean, really. I've never really liked how I look (and this isn't me reaching for a compliment, I'm just being real, because that's how you're supposed to be in these blogs #speakingallthetruths), but when I put it on, I feel like a pouty goddess or a glamorous cartoon or something. I mean --- squeeeee!
I'm gonna try putting some on tomorrow and maybe I'll get you-know-who's attention (hint - his name starts with a B and ends with an obby...). Maybe Becky Two Shoes and Robby the Stockfish will even let me cross the line in the dirt to join their circle of fun tomorrow....omg you guys, I'm just so excited about the #gloss-ibilities!
Anyway.........that's all for now. I've gotta do a late night #1.
I'm gonna save the debut of the lip gloss till tomorrow, when there's more light so I can take full advantage :) :) :)
Until then - sunshine and rainbows to all.
So much love,
Soupy Sue
Monday, September 5, 2016
Hi all!
Soupy Sue here! I'm so excited I finally figured out how to make a blog. Sorry it took me so long!!! And sorry this post isn't better....#comeonsoupy.
Bobby said he would follow if I ever started a blog, so here we go!
Stay tuned for *fingerscrossed* daily Soupy updates. And sorry again for not starting this sooner!
Soupy Sue
Soupy Sue here! I'm so excited I finally figured out how to make a blog. Sorry it took me so long!!! And sorry this post isn't better....#comeonsoupy.
Bobby said he would follow if I ever started a blog, so here we go!
Stay tuned for *fingerscrossed* daily Soupy updates. And sorry again for not starting this sooner!
Soupy Sue
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